Friday, April 25, 2008
The Abilities Mela
This mela is just a starting point for those looking for inspiration and one can go a long way if they believe in themselves and their abilities. People like Stephen Hawking ( are icons for the differently abled and they need to look up to them to see what can be achieved.
Increasingly, people are becoming aware of how they can tap the potential of differently abled persons and are employing them. There are a number of BPOs and KPOs that are employing such persons and providing them with learning and earning opportunities.
It is an observed fact that such people are a good bet for your organization due to low/zero attrition rate and higher productivity. The initial costs of training these people may be a bit on the higher side but the long term benefits are there to be seen when talking business.
When you make your next purchase, spare a thought for those under privileged and buy things made by them or from brands that contribute to their cause.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Hello Hyderabad Says Reliance Digital
Some of the key features include: friendly, experienced tech-savvy counsellers, home installation by resQ engineers, easy and quick finance options from Reliance finance, free home delivery, etc.
There are a number of offers including prices below MRP and freebies with some goods.
The store is open 7 days a week from 11.00 am to 10.00 pm and you can get more information by mailing them at reliancedigital at ril dot com. Happy shopping!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Yellow Pages - Information service - Just Dial
So, talking yellow pages is the new mantra for the youth and those on the move in particular. Just like the 411 service in US and other numbers in other countries, Hyderabad has got its own directory and information services offerings like Just-Dial Services: (Yellow Pages) +91-040-24444444 and 197 service.
Just dial service is a big hit for those constantly on the net and is widely being used already. Check out the article
On March 31, 2008, Google has launched its own information service on a toll free number in Hyderabad. The facility is avialable from 8 a.m. to midnight 24x7 according to reports. The toll free number is 1800-41-999-999 (1800-GOOG-411 offering in US).
There have been initial hiccups already as experienced by users testing this service as quoted in this article
Now, only time will tell how efficient the Google service will be and how the service will fare against an established player like
Goldstone offers IPTV technology for NRIs
Again, the wiki page for IPTV gives an excellent overview of the technology itself and related history, etc.
You could browse through, and other articles which provide more information.
Dhruva - Supercomputing in Hyderabad
Supercomputer Dhruva was unveiled in the city in March, 2008 to help in defence research and perform functions faster than the existing computers in the country. The computer is 20 times faster than the Param series and will be able to perform the most complicated functions, including guiding aircraft.
The computer, which is the product of research by Advanced Numerical Research and Analysis Group (ANURAG) was placed at the Centre for High Performance Computing and Research (CHITRA) at DRDO, Hyderabad.
According to Wikipedia definition, a supercomputer is a computer that is considered, or was considered at the time of its introduction, to be at the frontline in terms of processing capacity, particularly speed of calculation. The term "Super Computing" was first used by New York World newspaper in 1929 to refer to large custom-built tabulators IBM made for Columbia University.
The Wiki page for Supercomputer is a good source of information on what a supercomputer is and history of supercomputing in brief
The top 500 list of supercomputers can be found at - This site boasts as the homepage for the world's high-performance supercomputing, networking and storage.
These sites contain good amount of information for whoever wants to know/work on supercomputing.
I was fortunate to work at a place they had housed a Beowolf super cluster ( in Albuquerque, New Mexico. ( - formerly AHPCC).
The supercomputing clusters are normally made up of dual-core linux/unix running PCs stacked together to share processing capacity and resources. The speeds can be very high going up to teraFLOPS (one trillion or 1×1012 FLOPS) where FLOP is a Floating Point Operations per Second. (
Kids and young adults interested in working on supercomputing could visit if visits are organized by their respective schools (with permission from the concerned authorities?).
If you cannot do so, you can aspire to work on supercomputers at any of the number of universities in USA by applying to the appropriate department. (At UNM -, supercomputing is used in Molecular Biology department, Computer Science department, EECE and others). You could search for the appropriate department and course on the net and apply accordingly to either undergrad or graduate courses.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Traffic - Telecommute - Hyderabad