With downloads, 3G, Bluetooth, GPRS, GPS, third-party apps, etc on your mobile phones, they are becoming increasingly vulnerable to viruses from different media including your Bluetooth headsets that relay vital information from your mobiles to other snooping hardware.
Some tips to protect yourself from these viruses include putting your Bluetooth in Invisible mode (hidden or non-discoverable), using SMS Block and using anti-virus software.
Some of the important anti-virus for mobiles include
Commander Mobile Anti-Virus for Symbian mobiles,
Kaspersky Mobile Anti-Virus for your smartphones based on Symbian, Windows mobile and PocketPC. Also available are
Bull Guard Mobile Anti-Virus for smartphones and PocketPCs,
Virus Barrier X5 for your iPod and iPhones. More can be found at http://www.brothersoft.com/downloads/mobile-antivirus.html link.