The birth of the organization was started as listed here. Akshaya Patra happens to be a subsidiary if I may call it of ISKCON Bangalore as I know it. The organization is very active in several places and is supported by a plethora of luminaries and patrons.
There are a number of links available that appreciate the work being done by this organization.
Mid-day meal program is one of the aims of this foundation. They are supporting a number of schools in and around Hyderabad.

The office location in Hyderabad is:
No. E-11, IDA,
Road No. 5,
Hyderabad - 502319.
You can contact them at 040-39190400 to know more details about how to donate, etc.
According to a recent piece of news, half of the hungry people in the world are in India. That is amazingly high - which clearly shows that the difference between the haves and the have-nots is becoming unfathomably high.
What you can do is donate online, or through a cheque, etc. The donation is exempted from being taxed. For more details, you can contact them at akshayapatrahyderabad at gmail dot com.
Some statistics for the schools supported in and around Hyderabad by the foundation:
- Kondapoor region - 37 Schools - 2724 children
- Patancheru region - 49 Schools - 5028 children
- Jinnaram region - 47 Schools - 4223 children
- R.C.Puram region - 16 Schools - 1511 children
- Total Schools Supported - 149 (Primary Schools)
- Total School Children - 13486 (Primary School Children)

So, whenever you think of making a donation next time, think about all the hungry ones around the world, not just Hyderabad, not just India.
Akshaya Patra foundation also caters to High Schools in and around Hyderabad. The statistics are as below.
- Sadasivpet region - 14 High Schools - 4419 children
- Kondapoor region - 11 High Schools - 2671 children
- Munipalli region - 12 High Schools - 2494 children
- R.C.Puram region - 6 High Schools - 2135 children
- Patancheru region - 14 High Schools - 3479 children
- Jinnaram region - 15 High Schools - 3933 children
- Sangareddy region - 17 High Schools - 5094 children
- High Schools Total - 89 Schools - 24225 High School Children
- Primary Schools Total - 149 Schools - 13486 Primary School Children
- Total Schools Supported - 238
- Total Children Supported - 37711 (Primary + High School)
By the way, Akshaya Patra means "a never ending source of food" - better explained in the wiki page from ancient Hindu mythology - "The Mahabharata".
Thanks for the information.